
Gun maintenance

Gun maintenance is a vital part of being a responsible shooter.Never neglect gun maintenance. A little effort will keep your guns safe, reliable and rust-freeDo not put a gun in a gun slip into a gun safe. You want air movementDo not put a heater or a lightbulb in your gun safe. Your stock will over-dry, warm and crackAvoid multi-use cleaning rods and ropes. These soon get filthy and full of corrosive acidsEven chrome barrels need a good clean –...


Safe and secure storage of your firearm is one of your most important responsibilities. It is a full-time responsibility. You must always secure your firearm and ammunition separately so that they are not accessible to children or other unauthorized persons.Whenever your firearm is not in use, keep it unloaded and locked. Your safety and the safety of others requires that you always secure and store your firearm in a manner that will prevent unauthorized access. Never leave a firearm unattended...

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